Classification using Deep Learning
The training phase for an image classification problem has 2 main steps:- Extraction: In this phase, we utilize domain knowledge to extract new features that will be used by the machine learning algorithm.
- Model Training: In this phase, we utilize a clean dataset composed of the images' features and the corresponding labels to train the machine learning model.
In the predicition phase, we apply the same feature extraction process to the new images and we pass the features to the trained machine learning algorithm to predict the label.
The main difference between traditional machine learning and deep learning algorithms is in the feature engineering. In traditional machine learning algorithms, we need to hand-craft the features. By contrast, in deep learning algorithms feature engineering is done automatically by the algorithm. Feature engineering is difficult, time-consuming and requires domain expertise. The promise of deep learning is more accurate machine learning algorithms compared to traditional machine learning with less or no feature engineering.
Artificial neurons are inspired by biological neurons, and try to formulate the model explained above in a computational form. An artificial neuron has a finite number of inputs with weights associated to them, and an activation function (also called transfer function). The output of the neuron is the result of the activation function applied to the weighted sum of inputs. Artificial neurons are connected with each others to form artificial neural networks.
Feedforward Neural Networks
Feedforward Neural Networks are the simplest form of Artificial Neural Networks.
These networks have 3 types of layers: Input layer, hidden layer and output layer. In these networks, data moves from the input layer through the hidden nodes (if any) and to the output nodes.
Below is an example of a fully-connected feedforward neural network with 2 hidden layers. "Fully-connected" means that each node is connected to all the nodes in the next layer.
Note that, the number of hidden layers and their size are the only free parameters. The larger and deeper the hidden layers, the more complex patterns we can model in theory.
Activation Functions
Activation functions transform the weighted sum of inputs that goes into the artificial neurons. These functions should be non-linear to encode complex patterns of the data. The most popular activation functions are Sigmoid, Tanh and ReLU. ReLU is the most popular activation function in deep neural networks.
Training Artificial Neural Networks
The goal of the training phase is to learn the network's weights. We need 2 elements to train an artificial neural network:
- Training data: In the case of image classification, the training data is composed of images and the corresponding labels.
- Loss function: A function that measures the inaccuracy of predictions.
Once we have the 2 elements above, we train the ANN using an algorithm called backpropagation together with gradient descent (or one of its derivatives).
Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional neural networks are a special type of feed-forward networks. These models are designed to emulate the behaviour of a visual cortex. CNNs perform very well on visual recognition tasks. CNNs have special layers called convolutional layers and pooling layers that allow the network to encode certain images properties.
Convolution Layer
This layer consists of a set of learnable filters that we slide over the image spatially, computing dot products between the entries of the filter and the input image. The filters should extend to the full depth of the input image. For example, if we want to apply a filter of size 5x5 to a colored image of size 32x32, then the filter should have depth 3 (5x5x3) to cover all 3 color channels (Red, Green, Blue) of the image. These filters will activate when they see same specific structure in the images.
Pooling Layer
Pooling is a form of non-linear down-sampling. The goal of the pooling layer is to progressively reduce the spatial size of the representation to reduce the amount of parameters and computation in the network, and hence to also control overfitting. There are several functions to implement pooling among which max pooling is the most common one. Pooling is often applied with filters of size 2x2 applied with a stride of 2 at every depth slice. A pooling layer of size 2x2 with stride of 2 shrinks the input image to a 1/4 of its original size.
Convolutional Neural Networks Architecture
The simplest architecture of a convolutional neural networks starts with an input layer (images) followed by a sequence of convolutional layers and pooling layers, and ends with fully-connected layers. The convolutional layers are usually followed by one layer of ReLU activation functions.
The convolutional, pooling and ReLU layers act as learnable features extractors, while the fully connected layers acts as a machine learning classifier. Furthermore, the early layers of the network encode generic patterns of the images, while later layers encode the details patterns of the images.
Note that only the convolutional layers and fully-connected layers have weights. These weights are learned in the training phase.
Caffe Overview
Caffe is a deep learning framework developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC). It is written in C++ and has Python and Matlab bindings.
There are 4 steps in training a CNN using Caffe:
- Step 1 - Data preparation: In this step, we clean the images and store them in a format that can be used by Caffe. We will write a Python script that will handle both image pre-processing and storage.
- Step 2 - Model definition: In this step, we choose a CNN architecture and we define its parameters in a configuration file with extension
. - Step 3 - Solver definition: The solver is responsible for model optimization. We define the solver parameters in a configuration file with extension
. - Step 4 - Model training: We train the model by executing one Caffe command from the terminal. After training the model, we will get the trained model in a file with extension
After the training phase, we will use the
trained model to make predictions of new unseen data. We will write a Python script to this.