-- IPython and Jupyter notebook
Every cell has an In [] label. If there's nothing between the braces, it means that cell has never been executed. If there is a number, it means that the cell has been executed, and the number represents the order in which the cell was executed. Finally, a * means that the cell is currently being executed.
$ pip install jupyter pandas matplotlib fake-factory delorean xlwt
$ jupyter notebook
-- Dealing with data
Setting up the notebook
import json
import calendar
import random
from datetime import date, timedelta
import faker
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from delorean
import parse
import pandas as pd
# make the graphs nicer
pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default')
Preparing the data
fake = faker.Faker()
usernames = set()
usernames_no = 1000
# populate the set with 1000 unique usernames
while len(usernames) < usernames_no:
def get_random_name_and_gender():
skew = .6 # 60% of users will be female
male = random.random() > skew
if male: return fake.name_male(), 'M'
else: return fake.name_female(), 'F'
def get_users(usernames):
users = []
for username in usernames:
name, gender = get_random_name_and_gender()
user = {
'username': username,
'name': name,
'gender': gender,
'email': fake.email(),
'age': fake.random_int(min=18, max=90),
'address': fake.address(),
return users
users = get_users(usernames)
Out #4
['{"gender": "F", "age": 48, "email": "jovani.dickinson@gmail.com", "address": "2006 Sawayn Trail Apt. 207\\nHyattview, MO 27278", "username": "darcy00", "name": "Virgia Hilpert"}',
'{"gender": "F", "age": 58, "email": "veum.javen@hotmail.com", "address": "5176 Andres Plains Apt. 040\\nLakinside, GA 92446", "username": "renner.virgie", "name": "Miss Clarabelle Kertzmann MD"}',
'{"gender": "M", "age": 33, "email": "turner.felton@rippin.com", "address": "1218 Jacobson Fort\\nNorth Doctor, OK 04469", "username": "hettinger.alphonsus", "name": "Ludwig Prosacco"}']
# campaign name format:
# InternalType_StartDate_EndDate_TargetAge_TargetGender_Currency
def get_type():
# just some gibberish internal codes
types = ['AKX', 'BYU', 'GRZ', 'KTR']
return random.choice(types)
def get_start_end_dates():
duration = random.randint(1, 2 * 365)
offset = random.randint(-365, 365)
start = date.today() - timedelta(days=offset)
end = start + timedelta(days=duration)
def _format_date(date_):
return date_.strftime("%Y%m%d")
return _format_date(start), _format_date(end)
def get_age():
age = random.randint(20, 45)
age -= age % 5
diff = random.randint(5, 25)
diff -= diff % 5
return '{}-{}'.format(age, age + diff)
def get_gender():
return random.choice(('M', 'F', 'B'))
def get_currency():
return random.choice(('GBP', 'EUR', 'USD'))
def get_campaign_name():
separator = '_'
type_ = get_type()
start_end = separator.join(get_start_end_dates())
age = get_age()
gender = get_gender()
currency = get_currency()
return separator.join(
(type_, start_end, age, gender, currency))
def get_campaign_data():
name = get_campaign_name()
budget = random.randint(10**3, 10**6)
spent = random.randint(10**2, budget)
clicks = int(random.triangular(10**2, 10**5, 0.2 * 10**5))
impressions = int(random.gauss(0.5 * 10**6, 2))
return {
'cmp_name': name,
'cmp_bgt': budget,
'cmp_spent': spent,
'cmp_clicks': clicks,
'cmp_impr': impressions
def get_data(users):
data = []
for user in users:
campaigns = [get_campaign_data()
for _ in range(random.randint(2, 8))]
data.append({'user': user, 'campaigns': campaigns})
return data
Cleaning the data
rough_data = get_data(users)
rough_data[:2] # let's take a peek
[{'campaigns': [{'cmp_bgt': 130532,
'cmp_clicks': 25576,
'cmp_impr': 500001,
'cmp_name': 'AKX_20150826_20170305_35-50_B_EUR',
'cmp_spent': 57574},
... omit ...
{'cmp_bgt': 884396,
'cmp_clicks': 10955,
'cmp_impr': 499999,
'cmp_name': 'KTR_20151227_20151231_45-55_B_GBP',
'cmp_spent': 318887}],
'user': '{"age": 44, "username": "jacob43",
"name": "Holland Strosin",
"email": "humberto.leuschke@brakus.com",
"address": "1038 Runolfsdottir Parks\\nElmapo...",
"gender": "M"}'}]
data = []
for datum in rough_data:
for campaign in datum['campaigns']:
campaign.update({'user': datum['user']})
data.append(campaign)data[:2] # let's take another peek
[{'cmp_bgt': 130532,
'cmp_clicks': 25576,
'cmp_impr': 500001,
'cmp_name': 'AKX_20150826_20170305_35-50_B_EUR',
'cmp_spent': 57574,
'user': '{"age": 44, "username": "jacob43",
"name": "Holland Strosin",
"email": "humberto.leuschke@brakus.com",
"address": "1038 Runolfsdottir Parks\\nElmaport...",
"gender": "M"}'}]
Creating the DataFrame
df = DataFrame(data)df.head()
df.sort_index(by=['cmp_bgt'], ascending=False).head(3)
df.sort_index(by=['cmp_bgt'], ascending=False).tail(3)
Unpacking the campaign name
def unpack_campaign_name(name):
# very optimistic method, assumes data in campaign name
# is always in good state
type_, start, end, age, gender, currency = name.split('_')
start = parse(start).date
end = parse(end).date
return type_, start, end, age, gender, currency
campaign_data = df['cmp_name'].apply(unpack_campaign_name)
campaign_cols = [ 'Type', 'Start', 'End', 'Age', 'Gender', 'Currency']
campaign_df = DataFrame( campaign_data.tolist(), columns=campaign_cols, index=df.index)
df = df.join(campaign_df)
df[['cmp_name'] + campaign_cols].head(3)
Unpacking the user data
def unpack_user_json(user):
# very optimistic as well, expects user objects
# to have all attributes
user = json.loads(user.strip())
return [
user_data = df['user'].apply(unpack_user_json)
user_cols = [ 'username', 'email', 'name', 'gender', 'age', 'address']
user_df = DataFrame(
df = df.join(user_df)
df[['user'] + user_cols].head(2)
better_columns = [
'Budget', 'Clicks', 'Impressions',
'cmp_name', 'Spent', 'user',
'Type', 'Start', 'End', 'Target Age',
'Target Gender', 'Currency',
'Username', 'Email', 'Name',
'Gender', 'Age', 'Address',
df.columns = better_columns
def calculate_extra_columns(df):
# Click Through Rate
df['CTR'] = df['Clicks'] / df['Impressions']
# Cost Per Click
df['CPC'] = df['Spent'] / df['Clicks']
# Cost Per Impression
df['CPI'] = df['Spent'] / df['Impressions']
df[['Spent', 'Clicks', 'Impressions', 'CTR', 'CPC', 'CPI']].head(3)
clicks = df['Clicks'][0]
impressions = df['Impressions'][0]
spent = df['Spent'][0]
CTR = df['CTR'][0]
CPC = df['CPC'][0]
CPI = df['CPI'][0]
print('CTR:', CTR, clicks / impressions)
print('CPC:', CPC, spent / clicks)
print('CPI:', CPI, spent / impressions)
def get_day_of_the_week(day):
number_to_day = dict(enumerate(calendar.day_name, 1))
return number_to_day[day.isoweekday()]
def get_duration(row):
return (row['End'] - row['Start']).days
df['Day of Week'] = df['Start'].apply(get_day_of_the_week)
df['Duration'] = df.apply(get_duration, axis=1)
df[['Start', 'End', 'Duration', 'Day of Week']].head(3)
Cleaning everything up
final_columns = [ 'Type', 'Start', 'End', 'Duration', 'Day of Week', 'Budget', 'Currency', 'Clicks', 'Impressions', 'Spent', 'CTR', 'CPC', 'CPI', 'Target Age', 'Target Gender', 'Username', 'Email', 'Name', 'Gender', 'Age']
df = df[final_columns]
Saving the DataFrame to a file
Visualizing the results
# make the graphs nicer
pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default')
%matplotlib inline
import pylab
pylab.rcParams.update({'font.family' : 'serif'})
df[['Budget', 'Spent', 'Clicks', 'Impressions']].hist( bins=16, figsize=(16, 6));
df[['CTR', 'CPC', 'CPI']].hist( bins=20, figsize=(16, 6));
mask = (df.Spent > 0.75 * df.Budget)
df[mask][['Budget', 'Spent', 'Clicks', 'Impressions']].hist( bins=15, figsize=(16, 6), color='g');
df_weekday = df.groupby(['Day of Week']).sum()
df_weekday[['Impressions', 'Spent', 'Clicks']].plot( figsize=(16, 6), subplots=True);
agg_config = {
'Impressions': {
'Mean Impr': 'mean',
'Std Impr': 'std', },
'Spent': ['mean', 'std'],}
df.groupby(['Target Gender', 'Target Age']).agg(agg_config)
pivot = df.pivot_table(
values=['Impressions', 'Clicks', 'Spent'],
index=['Target Age'],
columns=['Target Gender'],
-- Where do we go from here?
-- Summary
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