-- Introducing the Softmax Algorithm
The Softmax algorithm tries to cope with arms differing in estimated value by explicitly incorportatin g information about the reward rates of the available arms into its method for choosing which arm to selet when it explores.
def categorical_draw(probs):
z = random.random()
cum_prob = 0.0
for i in range(len(probs)):
prob = probs[i]
cum_prob += prob
if cum_prob > z:
return i
return len(probs) - 1
def select_arm(self):
z = sum(self.values)
probs = [v / z for v in self.values]
return categorical_draw(probs)
Temperature parameter based on an analogy with physics in which systems at high temperatures tend to behave randomly, while they take on more structure at low temperatures. In fact, the full Softmax algorithm is closely related to a concept called the Boltzmann distribution in physics, which is used to describe how groups of particles behave.
We’ll call this new temperature parameter tau. We introduce tau to produce the following new algorithm:
At time T, select one of the two arms with probabilities computed as follows:
exp(rA / tau) / (exp(rA / tau) + exp(rB / tau))
exp(rB / tau) / (exp(rA / tau) + exp(rB / tau))
For whichever arm you picked, update your estimate of the mean using the same update rule we used for the epsilon-Greedy algorithm.
-- Implementing the Softmax Algorithm
import math
import random
def categorical_draw(probs):
z = random.random()
cum_prob = 0.0
for i in range(len(probs)):
prob = probs[i]
cum_prob += prob
if cum_prob > z:
return i
return len(probs) - 1
class Softmax:
def __init__(self, temperature, counts, values):
self.temperature = temperature
self.counts = counts
self.values = values
def initialize(self, n_arms):
self.counts = [0 for col in range(n_arms)]
self.values = [0.0 for col in range(n_arms)]
def select_arm(self):
z = sum([math.exp(v / self.temperature) for v in self.values])
probs = [math.exp(v / self.temperature) / z for v in self.values]
return categorical_draw(probs)
def update(self, chosen_arm, reward):
self.counts[chosen_arm] = self.counts[chosen_arm] + 1
n = self.counts[chosen_arm]
value = self.values[chosen_arm]
new_value = ((n - 1) / float(n)) * value + (1 / float(n)) * reward
self.values[chosen_arm] = new_value
import random
means = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9]
n_arms = len(means)
arms = map(lambda (mu): BernoulliArm(mu), means)
print("Best arm is " + str(ind_max(means)))
f = open("algorithms/softmax/standard_softmax_results.tsv", "w")
for temperature in [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]:
algo = Softmax(temperature, [], [])
results = test_algorithm(algo, arms, 5000, 250)
for i in range(len(results[0])):
f.write(str(temperature) + "\t")
f.write("\t".join([str(results[j][i]) for j in range(len(results))]) + "\n")
Measuring the Performance of the Softmax Algorithm
import random
means = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9]
n_arms = len(means)
arms = map(lambda (mu): BernoulliArm(mu), means)
print("Best arm is " + str(ind_max(means)))
f = open("algorithms/softmax/standard_softmax_results.tsv", "w")
for temperature in [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]:
algo = Softmax(temperature, [], [])
results = test_algorithm(algo, arms, 5000, 250)
for i in range(len(results[0])):
f.write(str(temperature) + "\t")
f.write("\t".join([str(results[j][i]) for j in range(len(results))]) + "\n")
-- The Annealing Softmax Algorithm
Annealing is the process of decreasing the temperature in a Softmax algorithm over time.
Annealing is a process of modifying a bandit algorithm’s behavior so that it will explore less over time.
t = sum(self.counts) + 1
temperature = 1 / math.log(t + 0.0000001)
import math
import random
def categorical_draw(probs):
z = random.random()
cum_prob = 0.0
for i in range(len(probs)):
prob = probs[i]
cum_prob += prob
if cum_prob > z:
return i
return len(probs) - 1
class AnnealingSoftmax:
def __init__(self, counts, values):
self.counts = counts
self.values = values
def initialize(self, n_arms):
self.counts = [0 for col in range(n_arms)]
self.values = [0.0 for col in range(n_arms)]
def select_arm(self):
t = sum(self.counts) + 1
temperature = 1 / math.log(t + 0.0000001)
z = sum([math.exp(v / temperature) for v in self.values])
probs = [math.exp(v / temperature) / z for v in self.values]
return categorical_draw(probs)
def update(self, chosen_arm, reward):
self.counts[chosen_arm] = self.counts[chosen_arm] + 1
n = self.counts[chosen_arm]
value = self.values[chosen_arm]
new_value = ((n - 1) / float(n)) * value + (1 / float(n)) * reward
self.values[chosen_arm] = new_value
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